Monday, October 21, 2024

Climate Change and Energy Hardship

New paper out in Communications Earth & Envrionment with Ang Li and Rebecca Bentley that looks at climate change and energy hardship. Here is the abstract: 

Climate change is shifting the experience of energy hardship. Here we examine the effect of the intensity, frequency, and duration of temperature extremes on energy hardship, and how this risk is shaped by individual, housing and neighbourhood resiliencies across Australia, using nationally representative data (269,500 observations) on energy hardship linked to temperature records between 2005 and 2021. Findings suggest that the risk of energy hardship increases with more intense extreme heat and cold, with greater risks for older individuals, lone-person or single-parent households, and rental tenants. These vulnerabilities can be offset by quality housing and renewable energy installations. Energy hardship risks under moderate and high emissions global warming scenarios are projected to increase by 0.1%−2.6% and 0.6%−3.3% respectively in the long run. Energy hardship will remain a concern despite raising temperatures, especially for colder regions less prepared for heat and populations with individual vulnerabilities and lacking housing and neighbourhood adaptations.

Here is the full paper: open access.

Citation: Li, A., Toll, M. & Bentley, R. The risk of energy hardship increases with extreme heat and cold in Australia. Commun Earth Environ 5, 595 (2024).