The notion of a
‘public sphere’, developed in the work of Jürgen Habermas (1974), is an
important touchstone for social theorists of democracy and public life. It has given rise to a critical literature
that engages with the concept of a ‘public sphere’ and seeks to assess its
historical validity and contemporary relevance. This discussion has developed
parallel to wider debates on the public/private distinction, the
interrelationship between the public realm and private life , and the
organization of public and private spaces. The present review will group the literature
in terms of approach and delineate common points of analysis and areas of
contestation, moving onto a detailed analysis of selected texts that can offer
guidance for future research on the contemporary utility of the concept of the ‘public
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Monday, June 11, 2012
Social Capital, Civic Engagement and The Internet.
“[T]he United States also has undergone a less sanguine transformation:
its citizens have become remarkably less civic, less politically engaged, less
socially connected, less trusting, and less committed to the common good. At the dawn of the millennium Americans are
fast becoming a loose aggregation of disengaged observers, rather than a
community of connected participants.”
Putnam’s thesis is that American
society has undergone a decline in social capital and civic engagement, caused
by a declining rate of generational replacement, technological innovations, spatial
reorganization of cities and the growth of suburban developments. Social capital refers to the networks and
social resources people draw upon in their quotidian lives for support, and it
has been positively correlated with better health, wealth and political
outcomes for individuals and communities.
Despite recognised benefits, Putman argues, since the 1960s social
capital has declined approximately thirty precent. To support this claim data from establish
social organizations and nationally representative surveys conducted by two
separate marketing research companies showed a clear decline in civic engagement and membership of social
clubs. Putnam employed the metaphor of
‘blowing alone’ to encapsulate this trend, Americans’ are still blowing but
group participation has sharply declined. However, Putnam noted that contemporary trends are comparable to
problems encountered in 19th century America; Industrialization and
urbanization swept away the old certainties of agricultural communities for
large sections of the American population and social capital predicated on
pastoral existence was undermined before social networks appropriate to
industrial and urban communities developed.
Social capital might not be in terminal decline, but merely undergoing a
period of abeyance.
Question: To what extent do computer mediated
communication replace earlier modes of social interaction? Is this a possible
medium for post-industrial forms of civic engagement?
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