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Robert K. Merton |
The focus group
has been employed extensively in market research since the late 1940s, from the
1990s it has been increasingly readopted in social science research as an important
qualitative research method (Wilkinson, 1998).
Hyden and Bulow (2003, p. 306), in a database search of ‘Psychinfo’, found nine hundred articles using the keyword
‘focus group’ and almost a third of the articles were published after 1998
indicating a rapid growth of research utilizing the method. The increased use of focus groups has been
accompanied by the elaboration of methodological concerns unique to focus
groups and the proliferation of focus group designs based on the research
objective of a specific project. Focus
groups are a qualitative research method, and therefore subject to
methodological issues that affect qualitative methodologies in general, however
focus groups entail further issues of project level design, group level design
and unit of analysis not encountered by other research methods (Morgan, 1996; Hyden
and Bulow, 2003). The limitations of
focus group research has been both derided,
on the basis that the data obtained has little external validity or
reproduces normative discourses, and valorised for providing new insight into
social interaction and opinion formation amongst groups of individuals, thus
redefining apparent methodological limitations as potential strengths (Folch-Lyon and Trost, 1981; Smithson, 2000).
Discussion of focus group methods
benefits from defining its relation to qualitative methodology more broadly,
and qualitative methodology counterpoised with quantitative methodology to
highlight points of contradistinction that inform focus groups alongside other
qualitative methods. Once this has been
outlined, the distinctive features of focus groups can be more adequately dealt
with and the questions of project-level design, group-level design and unit of
analysis can be evaluated for its impact on data collection through to data
In the social
sciences, two broad research traditions can be delineated: qualitative and
quantitate methodologies (Bryman, 2008).
Though, research projects can employ research methods from both
traditions and utilize mixed-method design that generates both qualitative and
quantitative data (Creswell, 2003). In
fact, as Morgan (1996, p. 134) notes, “focus groups and surveys are one of the
leading ways of combining qualitative and quantitative methods” but that “such
designs also raise a complex set of issues, since the two methods produce such
different forms of data”. Therefore,
mixed-method studies have a tension between the status of data collected by
qualitative and quantitative methods and the means by which these two datasets
are analysed and triangulated. This
tension derives from nature of qualitative and quantitative methodologies that
generate different forms of data. Qualitative methodology is often defined in
contrast to qualitative methodology that employs research methods to produce
numerical data that can form the basis of generalizations about a target
population from a representative sample. The use of statistical techniques in
quantitative methodologies, in the case of surveys of representative samples,
ensures high degrees of external validity relative to qualitative methods. However, as Folch-Lyon and Trost (1981, p.
445) argue, “one major problem is that a quantitative survey is a highly
structured situation in which the respondent has to adapt his responses to
previously determined alternatives”. Qualitative methodology is less subject to
this criticism, given that the qualitative methods, for example participant
observation or in-depth interviews, are less structured and allow greater
ranges of response from participants.
research methods have a long history in the social sciences, particularly in
the disciplines of anthropology and sociology, yet it was not until the 1990s
that clarification of the distinct forms of qualitative research strategies
became more established (Creswell, 2003; Bryman, 2008). Focus groups are a research method, that can
be differentiated from semi-structured interviews and other qualitative
research methods, whilst qualitative research strategies refer to
methodological approaches to the use of research techniques (Creswell,
2003). Focus groups represent one
qualitative research method that can be employed in an array of different
qualitative research strategies. Wolcott
(2001) identified nineteen distinct qualitative research methodologies, from
ethnographies through to narrative research. Each distinct research strategy
employed, for example grounded theory or phenomenological research, will
influence the process of data collection and analysis (Creswell, 2003). For example, grounded theory is an inductive
research strategy the aim of which is to generate a “theory of a process,
action or interaction grounded in the views of the participants” (Creswell,
2003, p. 14). Focus groups employed
within a grounded theory approach will typically be less structured to generate
new data and concepts from the participants than deductive research that aims
to test a predetermined hypothesis. In
general, qualitative research is attuned to the subjective experience and
meanings ascribed to social phenomenon by research participants and it has been
criticised on the basis that its data is too “impressionistic” and therefore
difficult to replicate or inform generalized understandings of social
relationships (Bryman, 2008, p.
391). Nevertheless, it is precisely the
‘impressionistic’ nature of qualitative data that provides social researchers
with a rich source of understanding social relationships and interactions
beyond predetermined categories used in quantitative research.
methodologies, from the criteria of quantitative research, are subject to a
series of limitations, not least of which is the external validity of research
based non-representative samples and relatively unstructured data collection
(Folch-Lyon and Trost, 1981; Bryman, 2008).
Focus groups are subject to similar criticisms levelled at qualitative
research methods, however focus groups can be differentiated from other
qualitative techniques and have a set of unique methodological concerns not
encountered with other methods. These
unique methodological concerns stem from the unique features of focus group
methods, which can be differentiated from a number of related research methods.
The origin of
the focus group method is often attributed to Merton’s (1987, p. 551) “focused
interview” technique developed in the 1940s at the Bureau of Applied Social
Research. Merton and Kendall (1947, p.
541) outlined several criteria to delineate focused interview from other group
techniques, the participants were
homogenous in respect to having experienced a “particular concrete situation” -
i.e. having watched a television program or read a magazine article, the concrete situation was analysed prior to
the group session to generate a hypothesis and interview guide, that would then be tested by the “subjective
experience of persons exposed to the pre-analysed situation”. Thus, Merton and Kendell’s (1947) conception
of the focus interview is an example of deductive research, given that the
study is used to validate or modify pre-established hypotheses and theory, which can be counterpoised to focus groups
informed by grounded theory. Focus
groups that approximate Merton and Kendell’s (1947) original design are still employed
in social science research; however there has been a proliferation of distinct
application in recent years and deductive research with structured interview
guides represents one pole of a spectrum of research designs (Morgan, 1998;
Wilkinson, 1998).
Across the
spectrum of focus groups there remains an emphasis on the subjective experience
of participants, Wilkinson (1998, p. 187) defined the purpose of focus groups
to “elicit people’s understandings, opinions and views, or to explore how these
are advanced, elaborated and negotiated in social context”. Though the emphasis on subjective
experience is shared with qualitative methods in general, the focus group can
be differentiated from other qualitative methods on a number of bases. The most salient feature of focus group
methods is that it is a group interview, thus Morgan (1998, p. 130) defined
focus groups as a “research technique that collects data through group
interaction on a topic determined by the researcher”. Moreover, Morgan (1998, p. 130) emphasized
three essential components: “first, it
clearly states that focus groups are a research method devoted to data
collection. Second, it locates the interaction in group discussion as the
source of the data. Third, it
acknowledges the researcher’s active role in creating the group discussion for
data collection purposes”. Frey and
Fontana (1991) developed a typology of groups and highlighted the importance of
directive interviewing and structured interview guides for focus group
sessions. In this respect, focus groups
can be differentiated from dyadic interviews and structured group formats in
which participants interact with moderators and not directly with other
participants, in the case of nominal and delphi groups structured to generate
consensus among expert analysts (Morgan, 1998; Steward and Shamdasani, 1990). Therefore, in focus groups the discussion is
the data, but the contour of this discussion is influenced by a number of
design issues (Folch-Lyon and Trost, 1981).
Morgan (1998, p. 142, 144, 149) identifies “project-level design”,
“group-level design” and “unit of analysis” issues in the development of focus
group based research, that affect how
the method is employed in data collection and analysis.
Morgan (1998, p.
141) identified the importance of “project-level design” for focus group
research, that “apply to the research project as a whole”. On this level of design, Morgan (1998)
outlined issues of standardization, sampling and the number of groups in the
study that affect data collection, quality and analysis. Standardization of project-level design
refers to the extent that all groups in the study draw on the same set of
questions and procedures. On one end of
the spectrum of standardization, focus
group design that emphasises “emergence” in which questions and procedures shift
in reaction to the themes generated by discussion and of the other end are
fixed questions and procedures across focus groups to assist hypothesis testing
and replication of the study’s results (Morgan, 1998, p. 142). The difference between emergence models of
focus group design and structured questions and procedures is echoed in the
broader discussion of qualitative methods and quantitative methods. Standardized project-level design allows for
replication and cross-comparison of data generated in a study, yet Morgan
(1998, p. 142) notes the criticism that “this aspect of focus groups is
inconsistent with many of the key tenets of qualitative research”. While emergence models, utilized by grounded
theory research or exploratory research, allow for participants to determine
the salient themes that emerge from discussion of a given topic. However, project-level design of focus group
research can combine elements of low and high standardization to respective
limitations of each design type. Project-level design can be broken into two
phases, with a relatively unstandardized exploratory phase that generates
significant themes that can be used to produce a more standardized series of
focus groups sessions that can be used to test hypotheses and more easily
compare data from group (Morgan, 1998).
The second
project-level design issue is sampling.
There is a historical association of focus groups with market research,
which has led to a practice of “segmentation” in sampling practices (Morgan,
1998, p. 143). Folch-Lyon and Trost
(1981, p. 446) argue that focus groups should have a high degree of
homogenisation, “since it is not desirable to conduct group sessions with
people of different backgrounds”. In
studies that involve multiple target populations, segmentation and a series of homogenous
group session are recommended by Folch-Lyon and Trost (1981). This project-level design feature is advanced
for a number of reasons. Morgan (1998)
outlines two advantages of segmentation, firstly it allows for comparison
between different groups of participants and secondly, segmentation is said to
facilitate discussion because of the similarity between participants. The third issue of project-level design, the
number of groups in a study is directly related to the issue of sampling and
segmentation. Generally, the number of
focus groups is determined by issues of data saturation (Wilkinson, 1998;
Bryman, 2008; Morgan; 1998), diversity
of participants and segmentation will increase the number of focus groups
needed to adequately fulfil the requirements of data collection.
The second level
of design outlined by Morgan (1998) is the question of group-level design. In this sphere, the two issues that confront
focus group design is the level of moderator involvement and group size. These issues can be relayed back to broader
project level design issues, high moderator involved could be indicative of
highly standardized project-level designs.
Nevertheless, the level of moderator involvement is an important feature
of group-level design. Hyden and Bulow
(2003, p. 307) argue that “in structured focus groups, the moderator takes an
active role in controlling not only the topic but also the group dynamics. In less structured groups the participants
are encouraged to pursue their own interests in relation to the topic being
focused on”. This can be contrasted
with Morgan’s (1998) two axis model of control in group-level design, differentiating
between focus groups that have structured interview guides, tightly controlling
questions and topics, and focus groups
were the moderator directs group dynamics by encouraging high levels of
participant response. Groups can be
structured on one axis, and unstructured on the other.
High levels of
moderator involvement in terms of the questions presented to the group are
indicative of hypothesis testing research, which provides the basis for easy
comparison between groups in the data analysis phrase of research (Wilkinson,
1998). Moderator involvement to
encourage higher levels of participant engagement is one means to overcome the
problem of “dominate voices” that where “one or several group member(s)
dominating the discussion so that theirs the only opinion clearly articulated”
which is said to skewer data generated by focus groups (Smithson, 2000, p.
107). Of course, as Morgan (1998)
argued, these design features can be moderated independently of each
other. The second group-level design feature
outlined by Morgan (1998) is the issue of group size. On a pragmatic level, smaller groups are
easier for moderators to manage.
However, the most salient determinate of group size is the topic to be
discussed. It is recommended that
smaller groups of participants be used when the topic being discussed are
controversial and emotionally charged, given that these topics generate high
levels of participant response (Morgan, 1998).
For less controversial subject,
larger groups are recommended where participant engagement tends to be
lower on the basis that multiple participants can contribute information to the
data set. The synchronization of topic
and appropriate group size is an important design feature; miscalculation at
this point can lead to failure to attain quality data at the level of
implementation. Research design, at the
project-level and group-level have important implications for the status of the
data collected. Moreover, focus groups have a unique issue surrounding
the issue of units of analysis and whether the data analysis should centre on
“the groups, the participants, or the participants’ utterances” (Morgan, 1998,
p. 149).
Hyden and Bulow
(2000, p . 305) argue that “a central methodological question in analysing
focus group material is who’s talking – that is, in what way are the utterances
of individual members of the focus group to be interpreted”. This can be related to what Smithson (2000,
p. 107, 112) described as the problem of “dominate voices” and the problem of reproducing
“normative discourse” that can be linked to the discussion of “group effects” that
engender conformity to the majority opinion among participants (Asch, 1951;
Carey and Smith, 1994). These problems
are distinctive to focus group analysis,
in-depth interview between an interviewer and participant do not
occasion group effects because there is no group directly present to exert its
influence. Thus, dyadic interviews are
touted for allowing participants space to express controversial opinions that
would not be expressed in focus groups (Smithson, 2000). Folch-Lyon and Trost (1981, p. 445) dissent
from this position, arguing that in focus groups “paradoxically, there is a
greater feeling of anonymity in a group than in a personal interview” that
yields richer data. However, if it
found that focus groups are subject to group effects and problems of dominate
voice and normative discourse; this does not necessarily undermine the quality
of data generated but needs to be taken account of in the process of data
analysis (Smithson, 2000).
Smithson (2000)
argues that it precisely these supposed limitations, group effect, dominate
force and normative discourse, which are the strength of focus group methods by
providing insight into the processes of group interaction and opinion
formation. Individuals that dominate
group opinion formation are a feature of opinion formation that focus group
methods highlight, the sidelining of controversial and marginal viewpoints in
group interaction can provide insight into the hegemony of normative discourse,
and coupled with interviews, focus groups can be used to analyse the
relationship between “public” and “private” viewpoints (Smithson, 2000). To overcome these issues in data analysis,
Hyden and Bulow (2003) argue that attention needs to be paid to ‘who’s talking’.
Hyden and Bulow
(2003) conceptualized distinct types of focus group interaction that have an
impact on analyses of data. On one
level, a group is an “aggregation of individuals” (Hyden and Bulow, 2003, p. 307,
311) and two important interactive
problems is how individuals contribute to a “common communicative ground” and
“add their contributions to the common ground”. Aggregated individuals without a common
communicative ground, argued Hyden and Bulow (2003, p. 311), are “serially
organized rather than organised as a group”.
The question for analysis is gauging the interactional dynamics of focus
groups and the level at which participants contributes to the discussion. Thus, Hyden and Bulow (2003,p. 319)
conclude, “it is often unclear whether
the focus group is viewed as a collection of individuals or whether the
interaction between the participants is intended to result in emergent views
that are not reducible to the individual”.
This can only be resolved with careful attention to interactional
dynamics in focus group data.It is a methodological issue unique to focus group
interactions that is both a hurdle and an potential for greater insight into
the formation of group opinions and dynamics.
The increased
use of focus group research has given rise to heightened sensitivity to the
unique design features of the method and resultant methodological limitations
and possible potential. Focus groups
are a qualitative research technique and are therefore subject to
methodological criticisms faced by qualitative methodologies in general. Quantitative methods and qualitative methods
produce distinct datasets with inverted strengths and weaknesses, by the
standards of quantitative research, focus groups have been deemed too
subjective to provide generalizable data on social relationships and social
values. However, beyond these general
features of qualitative research, focus groups have unique design features that
impact data collection and analysis in a variety of subtle ways. Morgan (1998) outlined three design features
of focus group studies, project-level design, group-level design and unit of
analysis issues. On the project-level,
issues of standardization, sampling and the number of groups impact the quality
of data produced by focus group research.
Group-level design entails the level of moderator intervention into group
dynamics and adherence to structured interview guides also impact the data
produced by focus group methods. Morgan
(1998) introduced the issue of unit of analysis, of whether focus group data
should be analysed on the level of groups, participants or participants’
utterances. In this vein, the issue of
interactional dynamics in focus groups highlight important issues for data analysis. Group effects, problems of normative
discourse and dominate forces demonstrate how individual opinions can be
marginalized within group dynamics and therefore distort viewpoints generated
in the data (Smithson, 2000; Asch, 1951; Carey and Smith, 1994). However, focus group methods can be used to
analyse the processes by which group form opinions and reproduce normative
discourse. In this respect, focus group
methods provide an important research technique for a series of question that
previous qualitative method had little application.
Written by Mathew Toll.
Written by Mathew Toll.
Asch, S.E.
(1951), “Effect of Group Pressure upon the Modification and Distortion ofJudgments”, Groups, Leadership and Men,
Ed. H. Guetzkow, Pittsburg; Carnegie press.
Bryman, A.
(2008), Social Research Methods, 3rd
Ed, Oxford; Oxford University Press.
Carey, M.A. and Smith, M. (1994),
“Capturing the Group Effect in Focus Groups: A Special Concern inAnalysis”, Qualitative Health Research,
Vol. 5, pp. 225-2241.
Creswell, J.W.
(2003), Research Design: Qualitative,
Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches, 2nd Ed, London; Sage
Folch-Lyon, E.
and Trost, J.F. (1981), “Conducting Focus Group Sessions”, Family Planning, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 443-449.
Frey, J.H. and Fontana, A. (1991), “The Group Interview in SocialResearch”, Social Science Journal, Vol. 28, pp. 175-187.
Hyden, L-C. and
Bulow, P.H. (2003), “Who’s Talking:Drawing Conclusions from Focus Groups- Some Methodological Considerations”, International Journal of Social Research
Methodology, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 305-321.
Merton, R.K. and
Kendall, P.L. (1946), “The Focused Interview”, The American Journal of Sociology,
Vol. 51, No. 6., pp. 541-557.
Smithson, J.
(2000), “Using and Analysing Focus Groups: Limitations and Possibilities”,
International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 103-119.
D.W. and Shamdasani, P.N. (1990) Focus
Groups: Theory and Practice,
Sage; Thousand Oaks.
Wilkinson, S.
(1998) "Focus Group Methodology: A Review", International Journal of Social Research Methodology, Vol. 1, pp.
Wolcott, H.T.
(2001), Writing Up Qualitative Research,
2nd Ed, Sage; Thousand Oaks.
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